Electronics Components Datasheet Software Programs

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Alldatasheet Electronic Components Datas…

QUICKCross TM - 2016 Version The industry's most comprehensive electronic cross reference software available today! NTE Electronics has released the 2016 version of their popular cross reference software program, QUICKCross TM. With thousands of new parts added, this new updated version now cross references over 525,000 industry part numbers.

Version 2016 contains many new NTE devices, including all semiconductors added since 2015. Search hundreds of thousands of devices such as semiconductors, relays, resistors, switches, potentiometers, trimmers, fuses, RF connectors, disc thermostats, terminal blocks, terminals and connectors, and more! Search results include links to easy-to-read, detailed PDFs of catalog information with a valid internet connection. This new version is available for your PC, MAC (iOS), Android smart phone, and iPhone!

Electronics Components Datasheet Software Programs

PC or MAC Version Android Version iPhone Version.