How To Install Smoothwall Express 3.1

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Download of Express-3.1-x8664.iso (Express-3.1-x8664.iso (external link: 214,206,464 octetos) will begin shortly. If not so, click link on the left. If not so, click link on the left. File Information.

  1. How To Install Smoothwall Express 3.1 Pro
  2. Smoothwall Express Download

The other day I setup a virtual machine running under Hyper-V. If you are not familiar with this OS – let me be lazy and quote: SmoothWall is a Linux distribution designed to be used as an open source firewall. Designed for ease of use, SmoothWall is configured via a web-based GUI, and requires little or no knowledge of Linux to install or use. I wanted to play around with it to see if I could set it up as a filtering proxy; so I downloaded the and tried to install it in a Hyper-V virtual machine. I created a virtual machine with 512MB RAM, a 127GB dynamically expanding virtual hard disk, 1 CPU and two legacy network adapters connected to different networks. For the most part, it “just worked”. The installation was a very traditional Linux installation process (contrary to the Wikipedia quote above) and I only encountered two hiccups:.

It did not detect my network adapters by default – and did not tell me that I had to go and kick the network detection routine. This lead to some confusion where I was trying to configure my public / private interfaces and it believed that it had no network adapters.

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At first the system was failing to get a DHCP address from my DHCP server. On a hunch I checked the option to Enable spoofing of MAC addresses on the network adapters – as shown here: Which seemed to solve the problem.

However I was able to go back the following day and uncheck this option and have the system work correctly. I am not sure what really happened with that. But I now have it up and running perfectly: And it is functioning as a filtering proxy.

Install smoothwall express 3.1 vmwareVmware

Now I just have to wade through mountains of configuration files to actually get it to filter the right things 🙂 Cheers, Ben.

How To Install Smoothwall Express 3.1 Pro

First of all, you need the following: -a spare PC or an old server you don't use anymore, with a working CD-ROM drive -two or more NICs -the SmoothWall Express.ISO burnt to a bootable CD-ROM Then just install the SmoothWall OS onto this PC or server. Follow the instructions provided during installation. Set up a Red interface for your external connection to your ISP, Green interface for your internal network, a Purple network if you want to attach a wireless LAN, and an Orange network if you want to attach a DMZ. (you need separate NICs for each of these). It's been a while since I installed the SmoothWall OS on a PC so forgive me for not remembering all the details.

Smoothwall Express Download

I'm fairly certain that the installation wizard will guide you through the configuration smoothly, though.