Final Fantasy Xiii 2 Cgi Cutscene Download Firefox

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Final Fantasy Xiii 2 Cgi Cutscene Download Firefox 7

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All 18+ content must have a NSFW tag. No politics - Don't bring political commentary to, as it often leads to divisive arguments and frustration. We'll remove such comments and posts. I'm generally opposed to having season pass and DLC planned out, far in advanced. For 10 years of development, you'd assume that all of this would've been just included in the game. If the titles are correct and they're what I imagine them to be, I won't be disappointed.

The first is likely to be a 'here's all the preorder stuff you didn't get because you bought the game from a certain retailer, and not this other one', the three character-named ones of them are likely to be side-story character-based DLC, the Holiday one will likely be a humorous side story related to the group and may have costumes or weapons they'd use for fun (think: Platinum Demo weapons or something. Candy Cane hammer, anyone?), and the expansion pack is fair game for anything - even a set up to a sequel game, if the game does well enough. My main question is: does this come with my Ultimate Collector's Edition? The game isn't even gold yet just 2 months from launch.You want them to delay another year to add that stuff?

I have a friend who works at infinity ward and believe it or not they cram down to deadline to finish the game. Then spend the next month after gold fixing all the mistakes they made rushing to get Discs printed (day one patch). Then after that, the team splits into one half that works on DLC (he does artwork so that's him) and another half that does patches. I know it's always said that they are cutting content out of the games and releasing it later but the reality really is these guys are so pressed for deadlines that's not the case.

For 10 years of development, you'd assume that all of this would've been just included in the game. That's an incredibly silly way to look at it, though. The game is in development for 10 years. Along the way, they have ideas for things to add. Side content. Additional stories to experience. And your demand is, instead of adding it later, and rightfully charging for the additional work required to add it later, they should add

And somehow find the time to do so and integrate it with the game? And it should be free?

How do you propose they do that without extending development time further? And what about the next time they have an idea for meaningful content they'd like included that isn't core to the experience?

Just extend it again? And what if the core content of the game is already done for some people working on it? What if the side scenario writers have nothing left to do? Should they just sit there doing nothing until launch, or should they come up with and pitch ideas for side content that could be provided as DLC?


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If they do that, the artists are still busy.the world builders are still busy.the people working on combat are still busy.the people doing sound, voice, music, they're all still busy. So it's not like they can come up with an idea and immediately get the ball rolling on implementing it. There is nothing wrong with DLC being planned during development. Absolutely nothing. There is a problem with entitled players assuming this means cut content, or intentionally slack development policies that exist to make more money, or withholding content until later to trick people into paying for it, or whatever.

I can't believe it's taking as long as it's taking for people to get used to DLC. Caterpillar et factory passwords change keygen mac free. We had Expansion Packs as a regular (and beloved!) aspect of PC gaming for decades now, but once consoles started getting post-release content the process of 'getting used to the idea that developers have more ideas they can't just put into the initial release' got reset by people who can't figure out that it takes TENS OF THOUSANDS OF MAN HOURS to produce this shit. They can't just extend release dates indefinitely to continue adding stuff ad nauseum. That's not how it works and that's not how any reasonable player should expect it to work. Not to mention the gall one must have to imply that a game 10 years in development with millions and millions of dollars and millions of combined man hours put into creating it along with an accompanying anime OVA and full length feature CGI film will suddenly be a ripoff at 60 dollars because it doesn't include later-released and later-produced content.

Wait until you find out about books. Did you know the entire Harry Potter series wasn't finished, but was planned, when the first one came out? And JK Rowling had the sass to wait and write multiple books instead of jamming it all into one! I just want games to take a fucking step back graphically, reduce development timelines, emphasize creativity over realism, and allow some fucking breathing room in this industry. I want that too! Except, sometimes I also want a gorgeous game that is so realistic my mind is blown. I say we leave it up to the people actually making games, or just get into the industry ourselves and make wishes a reality.

High-quality graphics don't always equate to more expensive games on the consumer end. All standard edition games retail at $60 max anyway, and DLC is an optional purchase.

Not sure what the problem is, I guess. Graphics shouldn't be so advanced that they're required to sell games at a ridiculous price point, and that's all this is. The game costs 60 dollars. The game would cost 60 dollars whether it cost millions to produce or a few hundred thousand.

GTAV cost half as much as FFXIII to produce. They were both the same price. The cost of a game's development does not influence the cost of the game. The cost of DLC is BECAUSE IT COSTS MONEY TO MAKE. It is not some scam to trick players into funding a game that is 'too expensive'. How the fuck can a game be 'too expensive to develop' anyway? They spent ten years on the damn thing, they gave it a full length accompanying CGI film featuring world famous actors, and you think they're sitting there holding their heads in anxiety about not recouping the losses, and thus announced DLC to get their money back?

Stop acting like a victim because OPTIONAL SIDE CONTENT costs money.