Where To Place Donor Sticker On Az Drivers License
Kathryn Hawkins. Each year, owners of all types of vehicles must pay an annual. Why would someone have a sticker on their driver's license that says. Why would someone have a sticker on their driver's license that says 'no blood'? So,do you have a donor sticker on your license? I also donate blood. Do you have a pnk Donor sticker on your. Check or Update Your Donor Registration Status. If you’ve recently moved, you will need to re-register as an organ donor in your new state. To register as an organ donor: Register with your state's Organ Donor Registry. Select ‘Yes’ to organ donation when you apply for.
Many people will live as my nephew has died, the accident in Florida killed him, but not before doctors could harvest his organs. What he did was a selfless act, by being an organ donor. My license says to harvest anything/everything, but that's just how I feel.
Does your license say the same, or are you of the belief that we need all our organs in death? I'm not trying to start an argument, that's the last thing I want! Just want everyone to think about organ donation, just think about doing this. The police have arrested the guy that did this, he ploughed straight into them (nephew and his gf) with a big truck as they cycled. I can barely stand to look at this guys mug-shot.
I realize he is a human being and I must forgive him, eventually, but not right at this second. I can't right now, but I will. I saw my brother on an interview via television, he is absolutely broken over this. I'm praying that his depression, which he was still taking Paxil for, won't return with a vengeance. He needs all the help he can get, at this time. No one should have to bury their child, it's just not natural.
Not the natural order of things. We are supposed to go before our children do and my heart goes out to anyone who has lost a child.
Love to all, Lara. I am an organ donor.
I'm even signed up on the donor network of AZ! If I'm dead, I certainly dont need my organs so if someone else has a chance at life using them then that is a wonderful thing! Donated organs have saved so many.
When I worked in the eye clinic, we used to do corneal transplants with donated corneas. You can donate most major organs, your heart, your kidneys, liver, corneas, etc. And it doesnt interfere with the funeral process.
They work with you. When people are embalmed they remove a lot of the soft organs anyway-might as well give them to somebody who can use them!
They dont hasten your death either or let you die to harvest your organs-some people think if they are an organ donor that they will be left to die sooner than someone who isnt, and this is far from the truth! If my child died, I'd like to know that maybe their heart could beat in another persons chest and that maybe a part of my baby could live on in someone else.
To me, that would be a comfort. I know not everyone feels this way, and I respect that, but it is such a selfless, easy gift to give and it means life to someone else who has loved ones. There is no sense in two deaths if one can be saved. Lara, I so feel for your brother! I know how my two aunts and uncles felt when my cousins died and they were never the same again. I mean, how could you be when part of your heart has been ripped away!!
I cannot imagine how one goes on after a loss like that but we do! Broken hearts keep on beating, it seems. It is going to be a hard road for all of you. Holidays will feel funny for a while. I can remember getting together for holidays and thinking to myself 'who wont be here next year?'
It makes you cynical for a while but in time you begin to smile, then laugh again. I wont say it gets easy and you never stop missing them-that hole is always there, it just hurts less with passing time. Just keep an eye on your brother. Be there for him and let him grieve in his own way but be alert to see if he gets 'stuck' in his grieving process. If he has depression anyway, you have to watch carefully to be sure his grief is a 'healthy' grief.
I'm so so very sorry girl! A death like this is a horrible thing. Death is bad enough when someone has been sick but at least death then is a release from suffering but when a young vital person dies, there is no sense in it! It is much harder to come to grips with it. I'm glad they found who did it. He was drinking, I assume? Hopefully, he will be taken off the streets and away from society.
I would feel the same way you do. I would hate him for taking something precious to me. If you ever want to talk, let me know. My husband just got a private PC so I will try to email you privately soon. Our email addy is still the same as it was, if you still have it. I know you used to email me until our old computer fired. The one I am on now is the work one.
I cant get private emails on this one. They are filtered out. I am limited as to web sites I can look at one this one.
No Facebook or youtube or anything. The only reason I can do this one is that it is medical. I will email you soon! Such a sad story, and should not have happened! I absolutely am an organ donor! In my opinion, unless the death of a person is unknown.
Autopsies are disgusting and useless. To embalm a persons body to showcase a corpse from decay is a waste of organs a living human being can use. So many people are on waiting lists, and families are praying their loved ones will live. It is sad when a person dies, but it is tragic to waste precious organs. What do you need them for anymore? You can't take them with you and you don't need them anymore.
Save someone's life with your organs is a priceless gift. Their could be a child or a terrific person who desperately needs them!!
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Yes, Ang and Sara, I agree! Why not donate?
It's a life-giving process and we sure won't be needed our organs where we are going! (Was it bad taste to make a joke out of that?) My legs and feet are swollen from standing for two days. And for some reason I can't sleep, my friends, so here I am, visiting my own question, again. I may take a few days to lay about and be totally lazy and let the swelling (titrating back up on Gabapentin, yet again) go down.
My legs ache and sting so badly right now, but it will get better and when it does I'll do lunch with my brother, something to do besides his job, which is so very demanding. I'm rambling here, sorry guys. You ALL have made a difference in my life. I've told my brother about all of you and your well wishes, he was buoyed by your love and concern. Thank you ALL, Your Lara.
Lara, I was a donor for a long time. When I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, I was told I could no longer be considered a viable donor. I agree with you that everyone should be an organ donor. The human body is but a shell to contain our souls.
The body dies, but the soul lives on. Through organ donation, a part of your nephew will live on in the recipients. I know how painful this is for you, and even more painful to watch your dear brother grieve for his child.
You're right, it is not the natural order of things for a parent to have to bury their child. I continue to pray for you and your family, Lara, and I hope you will call on me if/when you need me. I'm here to listen and to cry, scream, laugh, joke, or sit in reflective silence with you.
Love ya, Kath. Hi Kath, I agree, our bodies are just shells to contain our souls. Thank you so much for posting my original question.
Sorry that it was removed, so I had to ask this one, just to get folks thinking about organ donation. It's a sensitive subject with some folks, so I surely didn't think I'd get ALL of these responses, I'm AMAZED by all the good people that are organ donors! Love ya, too Lara P.S. I'll call asap, just too pissed off to talk about this with anyone.
Oh yes, our family had to rent a huge auditorium for my nephew's funeral! SO many people will be attending that the funeral home couldn't contain all of them!
Sorry with the broken leg, I am a little slow. So many people through the years have said ridiculous things about not saving a person and not working to save a patient if they have a certain blood type. My favorite if someone important is on the list then we in the ER all paid to find an organ donor with the right blood type. The other ridiculous thing is you can't have a funeral if you are an organ donor All of these things are absolutely WRONG!!! I have had all of these things said to me and I cringe every time wondering how long is it going to take this world to stop this insanity Leave your organs here. For God's children's sake I am thinking of you Lara.
Medical novels by writers like Robin Cook have exacerbated the problem of rumors about organ donation. People read best-selling novels like Coma, and next thing you know, everyone's afraid to go to the hospital. I can't remember what the book title or the author was, but I DID read a fictional novel many many years ago about a hospital (or doctor, I can't remember all the details) that catered to the wealthy who needed organs. So of course, when people checked into the hospital for procedures, they were type-matched to whatever clients needed organs, and the people 'mysteriously' became brain-dead from an anesthesia reaction or some such issue. THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE!
Like I said, I would bet my last dollar that these rumors started from fictional medical novels, or from students wanting to start an urban legend at medical school. Love and healing to all, Erica. Oh, Mac, my dear friend!
I am so very, very sorry for such a tragic loss. You're right, these things just should NOT happen, but unfortunately they do. Rest assured that I am an organ donor it's printed on my DL, the medical info sheet I carry with me, and on my medical dogtag. I also donate blood every 63 days religiously, because I was the victim of a very violent, drunken, hit-and-run accident and I required 11 transfusions during my hospitalization.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family for as long as you need them. Your friend always, Barbara (WCV). Holy cow, Barbara, I'd no idea that you were a hit & run accident victim! It's just horrible, I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. Do you want to share your story with us, or is it too personal? I want to hear about it for the sake of my nephews gf, whose life hangs in the balance right now, she is on a bunch of life support machines and we are all praying she makes it. Barbara, I've a question about donating blood, can one donate blood if one takes pain meds and gabapentin?
Does it matter if that is in the blood or is the blood filtered some way to get rid of medications? I donated years ago, before the fibro and cmp took over, before I was on any medications. I just need to know that, so I don't show up at the Red Cross and be turned away for having blood with too many meds scurrying round. It's been about twenty years since I've last donated. Your friend, Lara.
Hi, Lara (and EVERYONE)! The only drugs that would cause you to be deferred would be antibiotics (not because of the AB but because of the infection you're taking it for) and aspirin/heparin/clot-busters/blood thinners. Visit redcrossblood.org and anything you need to know is there requirements, deferrals, locate a drive, schedule an appt (good idea walk-ins usually have to wait).
Or you can call 1-800-733-2767. I don't mind sharing my accident story but it's pretty typical. I was on the freeway heading home from Yosemite, drunk driver, high-speed police chase, the driver lost control and slammed into me at 90mph. Somehow, he was able to get away but the police eventually were able to track him down (he was illegal, no insurance, and all the courts could do was deport him OMG! My car was destroyed, went airborne over the median divider, crashed, rolled 3x and then I was hit by an oncoming car in the driver's door.
I was in a coma on life support for 3wks, skull fracture, broken arm, 3 ribs, my chest and abdomen were crushed, bleeding internally and my right forearm had been partially amputated and the blood vessels severed. What I want to say, for the girlfriend's sake, and I don't know what other people have experienced but even in a deep coma I distinctly remember bits and pieces of what my family said, my late husband telling me over and over that he loved me, begging me to fight, and it gave me some amazing strength and determination. You'll laugh, but what finally kicked me in the butt was a man and woman talking, I heard.negative test results.extensive brain damage.indications of vegetative state. The male doctor said. Family decision.
If you know me at all, you know that no one ever tells me that I can't do something! I came up from the coma 2 days later, a few more weeks in hospital, a few months in a nursing/rehab residence, and here I am! I knew I was given my life back for a purpose, probably not going to be some award winning accomplishment, but I registered as a total organ donor, as soon as I was physically able I started donating blood (just got my 10 gallon pin!!) and a couple months ago I was accepted on the blood marrow donor registry. You know, just in case my purpose was to save or improve someone else's life. Awwwww, how noble and altruistic of me!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!
Hi, it's good to see you posting. I think it is really important to make people aware of organ donation, i think you have influenced quite a lot of people with this question! I live in the UK, and here they have the opt out guidelines - it is believed that unless you state the opposite, all residents are willing organ donors. I have been on the organ donor register most of my life.
I have this issue with giving up my eyes though. I know it sounds strange, and probably selfish, but i just don't like the thought of it. Do you think that is really bad of me? No, Delila, that is NOT bad of you, not at all!
If anyone has an issue than they shouldn't do this. Many religions will not allow organ donation, and there are many people that have 'issues' with organ donation. I can certainly understand your issue with your eyes, it's very understandable and doesn't make anyone a bad person for not wanting to donate something. The UK is way ahead of us in the USA, isn't it!!!
South Dakota
That's the better way to do it, make everyone an organ donor unless they opt out, as you said. Much better way to do this, for certain! It's funny, When I was young, I went through a period of worrying about that. Donating my eyes frightened me.
Now I don't really care. I believe our spirit is somewhere else, And we no longer need our bodies.
But it did upset me when I first heard about it when I was younger. If you are not comfortable with it, then skip it, You have to do what suits you. You sound like a wonderful person, no matter what you do. Just talking and helping everyone on this site like you do, helps us in this life, Thank you, Terry.
Organ Donation in Arizona Arizona's is administered by Donor Network of Arizona, which is a nonprofit, federally designated organ procurement organization. Did you know that another person will probably be added to the transplant waiting list in the time it takes you to read this page? A new person is added every 10 minutes. Over 90% of Americans consider themselves supporters of organ donation; however, less than 30% know how to ensure that they are on their state's organ donor registry. It's free to register as an Arizona organ donor, and your estate won't be charged anything if you become one. Testing and other organ donation costs are the responsibility of the state's organ procurement organization.
Understanding Organ Donation Organ donation is the simplest and most benevolent thing you can do as an Arizona driver, and it doesn't take any of your money or time. Anyone can be considered for organ donation regardless of age, race, and health. Organ donors can specify what they will donate―everything from corneas, kidneys, and hearts to bones, skin, and lungs―so you can determine your level of comfort with the program.
The actual donation will occur after your death, but the sentiment begins when you sign up and inform your loved ones that you have done so. Register as an Organ Donor You are never too young or too old to register as an Arizona organ donor. People who are less than 18 years old need a parent or guardian's consent. There's no upper age limit for donors.
There are several ways to become a registered donor. You can register online, by phone, or in person at your.
Be sure to talk to family members about your choice to register as an organ donor. This can help them avoid learning about end-of-life decisions at a difficult time. NOTE: You must supply a driver's license or state ID card number when you join Arizona's organ donor registry. Online You can register to become an organ donor online by:.
Visiting the Donor Network of Arizona. OR. Signing up through the national database, which records your state registration as well as any other state you may relocate to. By Phone To register by phone, you may contact the AZ donor registry at (800) 94-DONOR or (800) 943-6667.
In Person You can also put yourself on the organ donor registry by simply checking the box to become an organ donor when you. The Donor Network of AZ will then send you registration information by mail. For more information on organ donation, please visit the Donor Network of Arizona. Update/Change Your Organ Donation Status You can at the donor registry website. If you have forgotten your username and password, you can get them by emailing Donor Network of Arizona with your mother's maiden name and the email address you used to sign up. How You Can Help With Organ Donation Opportunities to help with organ donation efforts don't end with registering as a donor; there are a number of other ways to help.
Financial gifts help the Donor Network of Arizona perform vital educational efforts in the community. You can using Paypal or your credit card. You can also donate by sending a check to this address:.
Donor Network of Arizona:. Education Fund. 201 W.
Coolidge. Phoenix, AZ 85013. to put in your workplace, place of worship or any other place where you feel they can reach potential donors. You can also help raise awareness as a. Volunteers give presentations to local groups, staff information tables, help out in the office and work at special events. Bring friends and family members to local organ donation awareness events.
Check the Donor Network of Arizona's to find out when the next one will be held. Living donation is the most generous way to support organ donation efforts. Liver transplants, lung transplants and kidney transplants can all be performed with a living donor. Contact Donor Network of Arizona for more information about altruistic organ donation.