Buffalo Linkstation Install Optware For Android

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Buffalo linkstation free download - Buffalo Sabres, Guy on a Buffalo, Buffalo Sounds, and many more programs. Enter to Search. My Profile Logout. Buffalo Americas Releases the LinkStation SoHo for Creative Professionals in a Home Office. News & Press Buffalo Americas Wins ARC Award for Channel Provider of SMB External Storage. Before delegating authority to an external SMB server on your LinkStation or TeraStation, use this utility to change the file sharing security level of your. Futureshop has the buffalo pro duo for $98 and the DLINK DNS-320L for $89.99 as well Cant really get one until 3TB NAS (WD red or Seagate NAS) hard drives are at $99 each according to NAS ranker, the DLINK DNS-320L slightly beats the Buffalo pro duo in overall ranking.

  1. Buffalo Linkstation Review
  2. Buffalo Linkstation Manual
  3. Buffalo Linkstation Windows 10

Greatly appreciate all comments and suggestions Okay I have disabled all the other services (AppleTalk,FTP,Firefly-iTunes,Twonky,SSH and BitTorrent). Rebooted the device.

Exactly the same error occurs. I have tried the following as well /opt/bin/ipkg install perl-module-build Installing perl-module-build (0.2808-1) to root. Downloading erl-module-build0.2808-1arm.ipk Installing perl-archive-tar (1.38-1) to root.

Downloading erl-archive-tar1.38-1arm.ipk Installing perl-io-zlib (1.09-1) to root. Downloading erl-io-zlib1.09-1arm.ipk Installing perl-io-string (1.08-2) to root. Downloading erl-io-string1.08-2arm.ipk Installing perl-text-diff (0.35-2) to root. Downloading erl-text-diff0.35-2arm.ipk Installing perl-algorithm-diff (1.1901-2) to root. Downloading erl-algorithm-diff1.1901-2arm.ipk Installing perl-extutils-cbuilder (0.18-2) to root. Downloading erl-extutils-cbuilder0.18-2arm.ipk Installing perl-extutils-parsexs (2.19-1) to root. Downloading erl-extutils-parsexs2.19-1arm.ipk Installing perl-pod-readme (0.081-2) to root.

Downloading erl-pod-readme0.081-2arm.ipk Installing perl-module-signature (0.54-2) to root. Downloading erl-module-signature0.54-2arm.ipk Installing perl-par-dist (0.21-2) to root. Downloading erl-par-dist0.21-2arm.ipk Installing perl-digest-sha (5.47-1) to root. Downloading erl-digest-sha5.47-1arm.ipk Configuring perl-algorithm-diff Configuring perl-archive-tar Configuring perl-digest-sha Configuring perl-extutils-cbuilder Configuring perl-extutils-parsexs Configuring perl-io-string Configuring perl-io-zlib Configuring perl-module-build Configuring perl-module-signature Configuring perl-par-dist Configuring perl-pod-readme Configuring perl-text-diff Successfully terminated. /opt/bin/ipkg install perl-dbd-mysql Package perl-dbd-mysql (4.006-1) installed in root is up to date. Nothing to be done Successfully terminated. The log shows exactly the same error The following modules failed to load: DBD::mysql DBI XML::Parser::Expat HTML::Parser JSON::XS Compress::Zlib Digest::SHA1 YAML::Syck GD To download and compile them, please run: /opt/share/squeezecenter/Bin/build-perl-modules.pl DBD::mysql DBI XML::Parser::Expat HTML::Parser JSON::XS Compress::Zlib Digest::SHA1 YAML::Syck GD Exiting.

I run the command suggested and get /opt/share/squeezecenter/Bin/build-perl-modules.pl DBD::mysql DBI XML::Parser::Expat HTML::Parser JSON::XS Compress::Zlib Digest::SHA1 YAML::Syck GD Can't locate Configheavy.pl in @INC (@INC contains: CPAN /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8/armv5tejl-linux /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8 /usr/local/lib/perl5/siteperl/5.8.8/armv5tejl-linux /usr/local/lib/perl5/siteperl/5.8.8 /usr/local/lib/perl5/s iteperl.) at /usr/local/lib/perl5/siteperl/Config.pm line 66. I had installed SqueezeCenter using the older instructions and messed it up by trying to update it using the new instructions. So I used the instructions in Step 7 to reset the stock firmware and started the installation again. However I've run into at problem at Install IPKG: While connected to the LinkStation via Telnet, enter these commands in the command prompt window: mkdir /mnt/disk1/tmp cd /mnt/disk1/tmp wget If wget command above fails, check the directory for a newer version of lspro-bootstrap, and modify the command and the next one accordingly. sh lspro-bootstrap1.2-7arm.xsh Running the sh command runs few commands but comes back with Backup your configuration settings and remove 2 directories and reboot. I've done this but the sh command comes back with the same message.

If I go on to the next command it tells me the directories are not there. Is there a way out of here? I had installed SqueezeCenter using the older instructions and messed it up by trying to update it using the new instructions. So I used the instructions in Step 7 to reset the stock firmware and started the installation again. However I've run into at problem at Install IPKG: While connected to the LinkStation via Telnet, enter these commands in the command prompt window: mkdir /mnt/disk1/tmp cd /mnt/disk1/tmp wget If wget command above fails, check the directory for a newer version of lspro-bootstrap, and modify the command and the next one accordingly. sh lspro-bootstrap1.2-7arm.xsh Running the sh command runs few commands but comes back with Backup your configuration settings and remove 2 directories and reboot.

I've done this but the sh command comes back with the same message. If I go on to the next command it tells me the directories are not there.

Is there a way out of here?If the message was Backup your configuration settings, then type: rm -rf /mnt/disk1/.optware rm -rf /usr/lib/ipkg This will remove all existing optware packages. You must.reboot. and then restart the bootstrap script. Then the fix that worked for me was to delete the directories then cd bootstrap from the directory I ran sh bootstrap.sh as below. /mnt/disk1/tmp/bootstrap# sh bootstrap.sh note that you will need to delete the directories as directed but they get recreated after a reboot so you will need to delete them again then run the command without rebooting. Please note however I am having issues with my install which may or maynot be related to the above. Let me know if you get squeeze center working.

If the message was Backup your configuration settings, then type: rm -rf /mnt/disk1/.optware rm -rf /usr/lib/ipkg This will remove all existing optware packages. You must.reboot. and then restart the bootstrap script. Then the fix that worked for me was to delete the directories then cd bootstrap from the directory I ran sh bootstrap.sh as below.

/mnt/disk1/tmp/bootstrap# sh bootstrap.sh note that you will need to delete the directories as directed but they get recreated after a reboot so you will need to delete them again then run the command without rebooting. Please note however I am having issues with my install which may or maynot be related to the above. Let me know if you get squeeze center working. Good luckThanks for this. I got as far as installing Squeezecenter but it still will not run.

It gives error 0. Looking at the output from the installation command I notice several errors 127 e.g. Just before the end I got //opt/lib/ipkg/info/sed.postinst: line 2 update-alternatives: command not found postinst script returned status 127 ERROR: sed.postinst returned 127 but it went on then to say successfully terminated.

Perhaps we need someone like Tiredlegs to try and help us. I did have Squeezecenter working very successfully on my NAS until I tried to upgrade it so I don't think it's hardware. I had squeezecenter running for many months on my Linkstation Live and went to reboot and now it doesnt start - getting the same error as a couple of you - Error 0? Also says the same log file as posted before: The following modules failed to load: DBD::mysql DBI XML::Parser::Expat HTML::Parser JSON::XS Compress::Zlib Digest::SHA1 YAML::Syck GD To download and compile them, please run: /opt/share/squeezecenter/Bin/build-perl-modules.pl DBD::mysql DBI XML::Parser::Expat HTML::Parser JSON::XS Compress::Zlib Digest::SHA1 YAML::Syck GD Exiting. I've tried deleting and re-installing Optware and all the packages with no luck so far. I installed Squeezecenter using the instructions here. I got the following: root@LS-WTGLE3B:/# /opt/etc/init.d/S99squeezecenter start Starting SlimServerSlimserver failed to run.

Return value: 0. I rebooted and got the same message (after running S99squeezecenter status which said no PID file). Also telnet was not working after reboot. I had to run java -jar acpcommander.jar -t -o -addons again. I have brand new Linkstation Pro Duo LS-WTGL/R1-V3 F/W 3.09 Edit: Seems that this is the same problem as sankukai35 is reporting on post #195.

Also the log file has same errors. It looks like your missing parts of your perl package. When you do an ipkg install, it should install all dependencies. So I'd login to your machine and execute this command: ipkg install squeezecenter - 7.3.3-1 It should download andinstall any dependencies.

If it can't, it should throw errors. Review the output for errors.NOW I've got these errors: root@DISQUE-RESEAU:/mnt/disk1/tmp# ipkg install squeezecenter - 7.3.3-1 Installing squeezecenter (7.3.3-1) to root. Downloading package squeezecenter suggests installing flac Installing adduser (1.10.3-1) to root. Downloading Installing bash (3.2.49-1) to root. Downloading Installing readline (6.0-1) to root.

Downloading Installing perl-compress-zlib (1.42-3) to root. Downloading Installing zlib (1.2.3-3) to root. Downloading Installing perl (5.8.8-21) to root. Downloading Installing libdb (4.2.52-3) to root.

Downloading Installing gdbm (1.8.3-2) to root. Downloading Installing perl-dbd-mysql (4.006-1) to root. Installing mysql (4.1.22-3) to root. Downloading Installing ncurses (5.7-1) to root.


Downloading Installing openssl (0.9.7m-5) to root. Downloading Installing libstdc (6.0.3-6) to root. Downloading Installing perl-dbi (1.607-1) to root. Downloading Installing perl-digest-sha1 (2.11-3) to root. Downloading Installing perl-encode-detect (1.00-1) to root. Downloading Installing perl-gd (2.35-2) to root.

Downloading Installing libgd (2.0.35-4) to root. Downloading Installing libpng (1.2.40-1) to root. Downloading Installing libjpeg (6b-3) to root. Downloading Installing freetype (2.3.6-1) to root. Downloading Installing fontconfig (2.5.0-0) to root. Downloading Installing expat (2.0.1-1) to root. Downloading Installing gconv-modules (2.3.6-1) to root.

Downloading Installing perl-html-parser (3.60-1) to root. Downloading Installing perl-html-tagset (3.04-4) to root. Downloading Installing perl-json-xs (1.5-1) to root. Downloading Installing perl-poe-xs-queue-array (0.005-1) to root.

Downloading Installing perl-template-toolkit (2.19-1) to root. Downloading Installing perl-appconfig (1.56-3) to root. Downloading Installing perl-xml-parser (2.34-1) to root. Installing perl-yaml-syck (1.05-1) to root. Downloading Configuring adduser update-alternatives: Linking //opt/bin/su to /opt/bin/adduser-su Configuring bash Configuring expat Configuring fontconfig Configuring freetype Configuring gconv-modules Configuring gdbm Configuring libdb Configuring libgd Configuring libjpeg Configuring libpng Configuring libstdc Configuring mysql Installing all prepared tables Fill help tables To start mysqld at boot time you have to copy support-files/mysql.server to the right place for your system PLEASE REMEMBER TO SET A PASSWORD FOR THE MySQL root USER! To do so, start the server, then issue the following commands: /opt/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password' /opt/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h DISQUE-RESEAU password 'new-password' See the manual for more instructions. You can start the MySQL daemon with: cd /opt; /opt/bin/mysqldsafe & You can test the MySQL daemon with the benchmarks in the 'sql-bench' directory: cd sql-bench; perl run-all-tests Please report any problems with the /opt/bin/mysqlbug script!

The latest information about MySQL is available on the web at Support MySQL by buying support/licenses at Starting MySQL SUCCESS! Does anyone know when 7.4 is going to be available??As far as I know, nobody is currently working on it I tried once, but didn't succeed (lack of skill I guess), after that I installed Debian Lenny on the linkstation (just search the corresponding thread) and could use the official libraries, that can be downloaded. These libraries unfortunately don't work on a linkstation with stock firmware, as the perl version installed there isn't compatible with the compiled libraries. AndyG the Slim-Developer didn't want to provide extra packages working with this perl-version. Someone thus needs to compile the sources himself as a first step to get squeezecenter running.

I recently upgraded to a Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH home broadband router after my Linksys WRT54GL router running on died on me. I was looking for a router that could support the custom DD-WRT firmware, USB storage, BitTorrent downloads, and with Wireless-N capability.

The Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH simply met all my requirements! This article will guide you on how to install a vanilla version of DD-WRT on the router together with the BitTorrent client running on top of Optware.

Install DD-WRT Buffalo ships the current models of the WZR-HP-G300NH routers with DD-WRT firmware, but features like SSH are disabled. I was also unable to install additional packages using Optware, therefore I decided to mod the router with a vanilla version of DD-WRT. For the normal DD-WRT releases, goto and enter WZR-HP-G300NH in the search box. Download the image which is used for the initial flashing. For the latest DD-WRT releases, go and navigate to “Downloads - others - eko - BrainSlayer-V24-preSP2” and navigate further into the latest DD-WRT firmware build directory and download the latest available firmware images. Flash the router using the router’s web interface once you have downloaded the firmware.

I am using the latest DD-WRT firmware that was released on the 24-Dec-2010. Remember to change the password and configure the router as necessary. I will not go into details on the basic configuration for the router as the site has all the necessary details. Prepare USB Disk To use the USB disk with the router, at least one of the partitions has to be formatted as ext2 or ext3. I recommend to use the ext3 partition. If you do not have a Linux machine to do the partitioning, do not panic.


You can use the to modify the partitions of the USB disk within Windows. Create a primary partition and format it as ext3. Before plugging in the USB disk to the router, enable the USB support in the router. Under DD-WRT web gui, navigate to “Services - USB” and turn on all the features and set the mount point to be “/mnt”. To transfer files between the USB disk and to my PC, I use FTP.

Enable FTP in the router by navigating to “Services - NAS”. You can specify username-password combinations for the FTP login if necessary. Connect the USB disk to the router once you are done. Directory and mount-point structure I am using the following directory structure. /mnt: mount point for the USB disk. /mnt/d01/torrent: directory used to hold the torrent configuration as well as the torrent downloads.

/mnt/optxx eg. /mnt/opt01, /mnt/opt02: different optware installation directories for different possible optware builds. /opt: this directory will be mounted with a loopback device by pointing to one of the optware directories (eg. This will give the flexibility to test different optware packages just by mounting a different source directory. Configure Optware and Transmission The default Optware packages for DD-WRT are built for the mipsel architecture. The Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH is using Atheros chipset which is based on mips architecture.

I got the optware packages for this router from site. Do note that the optware packages will be accessible via a chroot’ed environment. To proceed further, you will need a SSH client. I am using the free PuTTY SSH client. SSH to the router and run the following commands. Option watch dir '/d01/torrent/.watch' Exit out of the chroot’ed enviroment and unmount the USB disk.

# exit # for fs in dev sys proc tmp; do umount /opt/$fs; done # umount /opt/d01 # umount /opt # umount /mnt Enable Autostart of Transmission BitTorrent Client To automatically start the Transmission client during the router’s startup, we will need to make use of DD-WRT’s startup scripts. The scripts will auto-mount the USB disk on startup and will also start the torrent client. Once the USB disk is mounted, the scripts will also enable the blue LED at the back of the router.


When the disk is unmounted, the blue LED will be turned off. The scripts will also configure the AOSS switch on the router as a toggle switch. Upon every press of the switch, the scripts will automatically either mount or unmount the USB disk. In this way, you may press the AOSS button to shutdown the torrent client and also to unmount the USB disk before you poweroff the router. From DD-WRT web interface, navigate to “Administration - Commands”. Copy the following code and save it to the ‘Custom Script section.

Iptables - I INPUT 1 - p udp - dport 51413 - j logaccept Save the changes and reboot the router for the changes to take effect. The web interface for the Transmission BitTorrent client can be accessed on port 9091. If your router’s IP address is, try opening the URL from your browser. Final Notes.

Buffalo Linkstation Review

To access the chroot’ed Optware environment, run the following chroot command within a SSH session: # chroot /opt /bin/sh -login. The block device that I am using in the script to point to the USB disk is /dev/sda1. In older DD-WRT firmwares, it used to be /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1. You may want to perform a manual filesystem check on the USB disk once a while to check for a possible filesystem corruption, if any. Buffalo has an alternate DD-WRT (Professional) firmware version for this router, but this firmware does not seem to work on Asian models of the same router model. The latest Optware packages from OpenWrt can be downloaded from.

But the torrent downloads were frequently getting corrupted with the latest snapshots, therefore I opted for an older build of Optware. Hi Ibrahim, Please can you help me, please? From almost 2-3 week’s i tried to configure my router WRT160NL Linksys.

I wish to atach an external hdd 1TB Seagate Expansion to the router, and instal/configure ftp, optware, transmission. Almost i gave up to set the hdd and the stuff. I don’t know why the partition it is not mounted on the startup. I tried several commands, but none is not working.

Buffalo Linkstation Manual

If i put the command manualy from Putty, the partitions are mounted, but the same commands put in the Commands of the router is not working. The router recognize all partition on WebGui from DDWRT. Now i am running the latest firmware. If you want read some more, i posted on forum ddwrt. If you want some information please tell me. Can you help me somehow? Any advice i’ll apreciate!

Buffalo Linkstation Windows 10

Thank you very much!