How To Install Windows 2000 On Virtualbox Guest

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Guest hangs randomly installing Windows 2000. Running VirtualBox 1.6.0 on a Linux host, installed from virtualbox1.6.0-30421Debianetchi386.deb The host details - Debian lenny, CPU is Intel (R) Pentium (R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz with hyperthreading, (so 2-cpu SMP). It is kernel, tickless. Kernel logs when I modprobe vboxdrv. Select the virtual machine in Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager then click on Start button: Next, select the vritual optical disk file containing a disk to start instalation: The virtual machine boots from the ISO image, which contains the installation for your guest OS. Install the guest OS just like you would install it on a physical machine.

This guide will show you how to install Windows 2000 in VirtualBox. 01 – Click New in VirtualBox 02 – Provide a name, and ensure that Type: Microsoft Windows and Version: Windows 2000 Click Next 03 – Leave the RAM setting as is. Click Next 04 – Make sure Create a virtual hard disk now is selected. Click Create 05 – Make sure VDI (VirtualBox Disk Image) is selected. Click Next 06 – Make sure Dynamically allocated is selected Click Next 07 – If required, change the location the virtual hard disk should be saved. Click Create 08 – Select the newly created virtual machine and press Ctrl + S to open the machines settings.

Select Empty under Controller: IDE. Then click the small disk icon on the right hand side and click Choose Virtual Optical Disk File. Navigate to, and select the Windows 2000 disk image. Click Open 09 – Click “OK” to close the settings.

10 – Click Start 11 – Windows 2000 Setup will automatically load. Press Enter 12 – Windows 2000 Setup will determine that the hard disk needs to be configured.

Press “C” 13 – The Windows 2000 License Agreement will load. Press “F8” 14 – Windows 2000 Setup will display the partitions detected.

It should only show the one. Press Enter 15 – You will be asked whether to format the hard disk using the NTFS or FAT file system.

Make sure “Format the partition using the NTFS file system” is selected. Press Enter 16 – Setup will format the partition, examine the disk and copy some files. The computer will then restart automatically (or press Enter to restart immediately.) 17 – The virtual machine will restart. When told to “Press any key to boot from CD”, wait a few seconds. 18 – Windows 200 will load. 19 – The Windows 2000 Setup Wizard will load. Click “Next” 20 – Windows 2000 Setup Wizard will detect and setup some hardware.

21 – You will be asked to set your location and keyboard layout. Make any necessary changes. Click “Next” 22 – You will be asked to enter your Name and Organisation. Click “Next” 23 – Enter the Windows 2000 Product Key.

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Click “Next” 24 – Windows 2000 Setup will ask you to enter a Computer Name and Password. You can leave these as-is. Click “Next” 25 – Select your Time Zone. Click “Next” 26 – Windows 2000 Setup will install networking components. 27 – Windows 2000 Setup will ask whether you would like to use Typical or Custom settings. Make sure “Typical settings” is selected. Click “Next” 28 – Windows 2000 Setup will ask you whether the computer needs to be a member of a domain.

Make sure “No, this computer is not on a network, or is on a network without a domain.” is selected. Click “Next” 29 – Windows 2000 Setup will install the necessary components. It will then set up some other parts of Windows 2000.

30 – Windows 2000 Setup will now finish. Click “Devices” Click “Optical Drives” Click “Remove disk from virtual drive” Click “Finish” 31 – Windows 2000 will load. The Network Identification Wizard will launch.

Click “Next” 32 – You will be asked whether users should enter a user name and password to use the computer or to automatically login. Make sure “Windows always assumes the following user has logged on to this computer:” is selected.

You can leave the Password fields blank. Click “Next” 33 – The Network Identification Wizard will complete. Click “Finish” 34 – Windows 2000 is now installed. Optional Below are the steps needed to setup;.

Hardware Drivers. Service Pack Installation. Web Browser Installation Hardware Drivers VirtualBox comes with some optional drivers which can easily be installed. 1 – Boot into Windows 2000 2 – Click “Devices” Click “Insert Guest Additions CD image” The VirtualBox Guest Additions Installer should launch. If not, open “My Computer” and open “VBOXADDITIONS5” Click “Next” 3 – Setup will ask for the destination to install to. Click “Next” 4 – You will be asked to choose components to install.

How To Install Windows 2000 On Virtualbox Guest

Leave these as-is. Click “Install” 5 – VirtualBox Guest Additions will start installing.

6 – You will be informed that a Digital Signature could not be found a number of times. Click “Yes” on these prompts.

7 – VirtualBox Guest Additions will finish. Click “Devices” Click “Optical Drives” Click “Remove disk from virtual drive” Make sure “Reboot now” is selected. Click “Finish” 8 – The virtual machine will reboot and Windows 2000 will load. You should notice the wallpaper colour has changed. Right click on the Desktop background Click “Properties” 9 – Select the Settings tab.

Here you can change the resolution. Change the resolution if you wish. Click “OK” 10 – If you have changed the resolution, Windows will inform you the settings will be applied. Click “OK” 11 – The resolution will be changed and Windows will ask you to confirm. Click “Yes” 12 – The Display is now configured.

Service Pack Installation I have included an Unofficial Service Pack which a third party has been put together. 1 – Make sure you are loaded into Windows 2000. 2 – Click “Devices” Click “Optical Drives” Click “Choose disk image” Select the Service Pack disk image. Click “Open” 3 – Open “My Computer” Open “SERVICE PACK (D:)” Note: A file may open in Internet Explorer with some information on the Service Pack. You can close this. 4 – Open “w2ksp51” The Service Pack will extract some files and launch setup.

Click “Next” 5 – A License Agreement will be displayed. Select “I Agree” Click “Next” 6 – Setup will ask whether you wish to Archive Files or not.

It is your choice what to do here. Click “Next” 7 – Windows 2000 Service Pack 5.1 (Unofficial) will now install. 8 – Windows 2000 Service Pack 5.1 (Unofficial) will finish installing. Click “Finish” 9 – The Virtual Machine will restart. Windows 2000 will load. Click “Devices” Click “Optical Drives” Click “Remove disk from virtual drive” Windows 2000 Service Pack 5.1 (Unofficial) is now installed.

Web Browser Installation I have included a number of different Web Browsers which you can install. 1 – Make sure you are in Windows 2000 2 – Click “Devices” Click “Optical Drives” Click “Choose disk image” Select the Browsers disk image.

Click “Open” 3 – Open “My Computer” Open “Browsers (G:)” Install the browser(s) of your choice. Once installed; Click “Devices” Click “Optical Drives” Click “Remove disk from virtual drive” Categories.